Thursday, July 2, 2015

Midweek Randomness in My Life

My sister and I were going through some of our childhood stuff at my Mom's house the other day.  Among the toys and books, we found a flower girl dress I wore back in the 80's.  I think I was around 7 years old when I wore this dress.  I remember vividly the seamstress measuring me to make the dress, wearing the dress in the wedding, and how twirly the dress was.  My sister and I used to use the dress for dress up play long after the wedding was over.  I'm so thrilled that my Mom kept this dress because it fits my Grace!!!  She is 7 years old. too, and it fit her perfectly.  The best part of all, the dress is still TWIRLY!!
I took her out to photograph her twirling in the dress.  She loved it!  Twirling and smiling through the whole photo shoot.  It made my heart flutter!

 I'm on the left, my beautiful Momma is in the middle, and my sister is on the right. Such happy memories!

 Those eyes!

She's so gorgeous and so silly at the same time!

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