Kelly's Homemade Ice Cream signed up for a few Adopt a Fire Station's this past holiday season. When I saw that they signed up for my local station, I jumped at the chance to photograph them and their cute pink and white truck!
Kelly's Homemade Ice Cream is a local ice cream shop which has fantastic ice cream. They brought their truck out to Station 72, set up shop, then let every member of the battalion choose whatever treat they wanted. They were kind enough to give me a treat, too. I didn't want to take away from this special event for the first responders. It's all about them, not me. However, Kelly's and the crew insisted, so I ordered one large scoop of vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone. Heaven! The ice cream was so creamy and delicious. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Station 72 is my favorite! Not only does a dear friend work there, but they were amazingly hospitable to my kids, and they took very good care of my Mom when she had her stroke. Thank you, Kelly's, for providing yummy treats for these hard working superheroes!
After Kelly's left, the battalion told me to go get my kids and bring them over for a tour of the station. Read on for the rest of the adventure...
The kids were so excited to visit Station 72 and meet the crew! When we first arrived, they got to tour the inside of the station, peek in the trucks, and try on some gear. Then, they got to experience a fire drill. The crew had my kids lay down in a bed, then Orange County sent out a test tone. When the tone sounded, the crew got the kids out of bed, had them get dressed in their gear, then they all jumped in the truck. All the while, there is a clock counting down in the truck bay. The truck has to be pulling out of the station before time runs out. I can't remember exactly, but I think they had 1 minute and 30 seconds to be dressed and on their way. Yikes!
My little fire fighters pulled out of the bay, with lights and sirens going, they reached the middle of the driveway, then everyone got out and they had to hook up the hoses and start fighting the "fire". The looks on their faces were priceless. My little fire fighters were beaming with excitement. Watching them try to walk around in the gear was pretty entertaining, too. It was twice their size and probably weighed more than the two of them together.
Pulling out of the bay with lights and sirens on!!
Hooking up the hoses.
Jumping out of the truck to go fight the "fire" is difficult, when your helmet covers your eyes!
Trying to stay upright with the gear on!
Big sister helping little brother stay steady as he worked the hose!
Little brother helping to hold big sister steady while she worked the hose!
Helmets were far too heavy and kept falling off!
This crew provided such a fun and memorable experience for my kiddos! Thank you, Station 72, for your service to our community. God bless each and everyone of you!!