Sunday, January 24, 2016


Halloween is second to Christmas as one of my favorite holidays!  On Halloween morning I had the privilege of photographing Snoopy and a beautiful peacock.  These kids were just so adorable and their costumes were fitting for each of their personalities.  It was super fun to start the morning off with costumes.

(I also included a few images of my own kiddos in their costumes.  Scroll down to see them.)

Little Snoopy is panting in this shot.

 The beautiful peacock was just precious.  She loved spreading her wings and dancing around the park.

 Ready to get some candy!!

 My USMC Fighter Pilot.

My sweet Mary Poppins.

Side note:  When my daughter told me she wanted to be Mary Poppins, I agreed right away because it was not the average costume, but wondered how the heck I was going to find her, or make her, a costume.  I googled it and came to the rescue.  Check out LoverDoversClothing.  She has the most adorable costumes and dresses.  The Mary Poppins dress was perfect for my little girl.  She couldn't have been happier!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

We moved!

It has been Crazy Town around here.  I've been MIA lately because we moved!!  We found the perfect house, put an offer on it, then the ball started rolling; and it was rolling fast.  We closed on our new house the day before Thanksgiving and we immediately started moving in.  We had to get out fast, so we could clean and list our old house.  

As much as we tried to stop to enjoy the holidays, they were still a whirlwind.

Our new house is fabulous.  We have SO MUCH SPACE!  The neighborhood is amazing and our kids made new friends within days of us moving in.  I have made about 32 trips to Target, 5 trips to IKEA, 58 trips to Home Depot, and 2 trips to The Container Store, and there is still much more to do.  

We love our new house and can't wait until we can make it OUR HOME.  

In the coming weeks I will be working on blogging my Holiday Mini Sessions.  I was extremely blessed to have the opportunity to photograph so many amazing families this season. I can't wait to get them all posted.  In between blogging, I will be working on Spring Mini Season dates and specials.  Stayed tuned.

Until then, I am excited for the possibilities that lie ahead in 2016.  Many, many blessings to you and yours. 
~ Rie
